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abhi1tb's avatar
abhi1tb committed
[25-September-2017 Release 4.25]
abhi1tb's avatar
abhi1tb committed
* Invoice and Cash Memo are now GST compatible.
* Provision to add Services.
* Provision to add HSN/ACS code for Product/Service.
* Provision to add IGST tax to Product/Service and Category.
* Provision to add Free Quantity in Invoice/Cash Memo.
* Sales/Purchase Register.
* Bill Wise Accounting.
* New Reports - List of Invoices , List of Transfer Notes and List of Users.
* List of Products is now List of Products/Services.
* While creating organisation, instead of enabling/disabling inventory there are four options to choose from. These can be changed later from Organisation Preferences.
* Provision to Add Bank Details in Vouchers, Invoice and Cash Memo.
* Printing of Vouchers.
[8-April-2017 Release 4.0 Update]
Prajkta Patkar's avatar
Prajkta Patkar committed
* Enhancement in Context sensitive help.
* Voucher now shows DR/CR along with account balance.
* Bug fixed where voucher couldn’t be deleted in drill down.
* Prevented Delivery chalan from getting cancelled.
* When customer/ supplier added in delivery chalan or invoice they now appear in selected drop down
* Tax gets properly inherited in sub-category.
* List of categories is first shown in tree view hierarchy.
* Improved experience while creating multiple accounts.
* Other minor typo and nomenclature correction.
[30-March-2017 Release 4.0]
* Unified Import and Export for GNUKhata and data from other softwares.
* New user role for godown-in-charge and specific activity assigned to godown-in-charge.
* Modified selection of tax for product in invoice.
* Stock on hand report, with or without godown.
* Godown wise stock report refined.
* List of unbilled deliveries report.
* Linking sales and purchase invoices with sales and purchase vouchers.
* Creation and view of Purchase order and sales order.
* Linking purchase order / sales order to dc and invoice.
* Generation and printing of Activity log report.
* Attachment of files in  invoice and delivery chalan.
* Account balance of Dr Account and Cr Account in vouchers.
* Automatic account creation for customer and supplier.
* Balance sheet consolidation of subsidiary and holding company.
* Revamp of category and product interface.
* Context sensitive help for many screens.
* Performance enhancement in voucher module.
* Refinement of interfaces for all inventory reports.

Prajkta_Patkar's avatar
Prajkta_Patkar committed
[7-February-2017 Release 3.5.2]
* Fixed alignment and lables in UI.
* Removed references to cost-center / project when they are not created.
* Fixed delete voucher module.
* Enhanced functionality of list of godown report.
* Now tax can be apply to product.
* Perfected functionality of credit only and debit only in ledgers.
* Export all ledgers of logged-in organisation within financial year in spreadhseet(XSLX) format.
* Productwise inventory report added seperate collumns for delivery note no , invoice no and transfer note no.
* Enhanced functionality of monthly ledger report , added new collumns for no. of credit vouchers and debit vouchers.
* Removed unnecessary total fields from invoice and cash memo.
* Enhanced functionality transfer note , invoice and cash memo.

abhi1tb's avatar
abhi1tb committed
[13-December-2016 Release 3.5.1]
* Stock Report
* Godown wise stock report
* Function for importing data from tally
* Localization and Internationalization
* Added missing headers to the reports
* UI for entering godown wise stock
* Facilitated selection of parent category before child category
* Tree view of categories

[17-November-2016 Release 3.5]
* Addition of support for choosing themes.
* Facility of search in all table views.
* Much awaited inventory module added which includes:
  - Creation of dynamic categories and sub-categories,
  - Creation of products under the categories with custom units of measurement,
  - Creation of customer/supplier and Godown,
  - Generation and printing of Delivery Note,
  - Generation and printing of Invoice,
  - Generation and printing of Cash Memo,
  - Generation and printing of Transfer Note,
  - Complete database backup and restore,
  - Generation and printing of product wise Stock report with spreadsheet option.
  - Generation and printing of godown report with spreadsheet option.
  - Generation and printing of Category wise report with spreadsheet option.
  - Linking of invoice and vouchers.
  - Option to activate inventory module any time in the financial year.

[04-July-2016 Release 3.0]
* Now documents can be attached to transactions.
* Applied a new theme.
* Now reports can be exported to spreadsheets.
* Perfected Gross Trial Balance report.
* Reports can and also be printed in a much better way or can be exported to pdf.
* Now only drs and crs of ledger accounts can be viewed.
* Improved user interface for balancesheets.
* Added functionality for changing password.
* Now the last voucher number and date of the same type of transaction is seen while creating transactions.
* Added alert when a postdated transacton is being created.
* Added drilldown for all reports.
* Made shortcuts more consistence and comfortable.
* Software is now immensly accessible(WCAG compliant).
* Minor improvements and bug fixes.

[18-June-2016 Release 3.0RC2]
* Added functionality for deleting orgainsation.
* Made more improvements in look and feel.
* Minor bug fixes and corrections.

[09-June-2016 Release 3.0RC]
* Complete revamp of frontend.
* Can be used as a web based application by default.
* Usable as deskapp with different configurations.
* Implemented user interface for monthly ledger.
* Displayed per transaction balance inside ledger.
* Much improved printing system with printable pdf's.
* Drill down for all reports except balance sheet.
* Displayed groupwise balances with account count while creating accounts.
* Fundamentally new and much improved voucher interface.
* Huge improvements in  look and feel.
* Now vouchers can be searched by their voucher types also.
* More enhancement of bank reconciliation and dual ledger.
* minor changes and improvements.

[27-Jan-2016 Release 1.7.0]
* Enhanced Voucher interface showing ledger of account selected.
* Enhanced functionality for connecting to various serves.
* Improvements in all reports.
* Made minor changes and bug fixes.

[9-Dec-2015 Release 1.6.1]
* Made minor changes and bug fixes.

[4-Nov-2015 Release 1.6.0]
* Included a new library org-apache-commons-lang
* Added transaction security, now transactions can be locked by admin/manager and prevented
  from further editing/deleting it.
* Reports are now more spacious and visually appealing.
* Type of organisation is now changed from "NGO" to "Not for Profit"
* Now all the rows can be edited when editing a transaction.
* Now the user can select the case of the organisation name while creating a new organisation.
* Added the functionality for changing the user without changing the organisation.
* Now the unnecessary tabs in voucher forms are removed hence making it more spacious.
* Removed unwanted bank reconciliation forms.
* Minor GUI changes and bug fixes.

[28-Aug-2015 Release 1.5.0]
* Added frontend functionality to provide advanced profit and loss calculations with closing stock.
* Brought more stability to bank reconciliation module.
* Multiple accounts in particulars of ledger are now displayed.
* Now the names of auto generated accounts cannot be edited.
* Corrected the alignment changes in balacesheet.
* Now the default option for most of the messagebox is yes.
* Minor GUI changes and bug fixes.

[25-July-2015 Release 1.4.0]
* Now GNUKhata will be using latest version of swt jar(i.e swt-4.4.2).
* Changed the theme.
* Perfected Connect to Server functionality .
* Now two organizations with same name but different types can be created.
* While selecting an organization its type can be seen along with.
* Bug fixes and improvements in GUI.

[06-June-2015 Release 1.3.03]
* Once an organisation is rolled over it cannot be rolled over again for the same year.
* Perfected addaccount popup .
* Improvements in Organisation Particulars and Edit organsation forms.
* Bug fixes and improvements in GUI.

[22-May-2015 Release 1.3.02]
* Perfected Profit and Loss statement.
* Made improvements in Forgot Password facility.
* Further refined date validations in some forms.
* Made improvements in creating and editing organisation particulars.
* Made improvements in find and edit account forms.
* Made improvements in Balance sheet.
* Bug fixes and improvements.

[12-May-2015 Release 1.3.01]
* Made improvements for Voucher creation and when editing Voucher.
* Removed the Preferences Form.
* Removed the Account creation form when creating new Organization.
* Solved the issues related to Account Popup while creating and editing voucher.
* Solved the issues related to CCombo while creating and editing voucher.
* Bug fixes and improvements in the Organization Particulars form.
* Bug fixes and improvements in the Edit Organization form.
* GUI improvements.
* Bug fixes.

[01-April-2015 Release 1.3.0]
* polished up the ui to fix all possible alignment and navigation issues
* fixed the bug in account popup where newly added account did not appear in voucher
* fixed the bug in voucher where navigation from date to display zone got stuck
* perfected multiple accounts addition
* Bank Reco now works perfectly
* fixed issue where opening balance in account creation did not refresh
* made title fonts consistant
* date validations are now more consistant
* fixed the double . issue where software crashed
* dropdown in voucher looks and behaves more consistently
* delete row in vouchers added
* focus coloring is perfect on unity, works almost perfect on Gnome
* overall unified response with all reports, built on gained performace

[28-March-2015 Release 1.3.0b2]
* Added the functionality to add multiple accounts by keeping the group and subgroupname constant.
* Added the functionality to remove a user.
* Added the functionality by which user will be able to reset his password in case of forgetting the password.
* Now all the reports can be printed to spreadsheets.
* Enhanced the user interface for more professional look and better performance and scalability.
* More crash fixes and bug fixes.

[21-March-2015 Release 1.3.0b1]
* Made all reports consistence wit current look and feel for enhanced performance, speed and usability.
* Except profit and loss all other reports can now be printed to spreadsheet.
* More consistency in add and edit voucher ,they now work almost perfectly.
* Added shortcuts wherever they were missing and wherever they are necessary.
* More polishing work on all interfaces.
* Altered the interface of add more projects to make it more user friendly.
* More crash fixes.

[2-March-2015 Release 1.2.0]
* Replaced the old voucher interface with new one. This inerface has improved scalability and improved performance
  and navigation and ease of access.
* Find voucher interface is also more fast and very easy to use.
* Edit and clone voucher functionality revamped to resemble the new add voucher screen.
* Data display in important reports (ledger, trial balance etc.) is revamped for faster data accessibility and better navigation
  and look and enhanced performance.
* Solved the bug on delete account with updates to core_engine as well. Now user can delete as well as add account for as may times as
* Many screens have a new colored focus theme, implemented on a trial basis.
* A list of created projects can also be seen while adding a new project.
* Now a proper authors list can be seen in Authors page provided in the menu bar.
* Now a the user can change own as well as other's password where a level of hierarchy is maintained while changing the password.
* A project with duplicate name cannot be created.
* An organization with duplicate name cannot be create.
* More polishing to the overall user interface.
* Many more crash fixes and Enhancements.

[8-Nov-2014 Release 1.0.1]
* Now Rollover And CloseBooks can be  done only once per financial year and also brought stability
  to Rollover and Closebooks.
* After closing the books vouchers cannot be created.
* Now we can see the clearance date for the transactions which are reconciled beyond the period for
  which reconciliation statement is viewed and also brought more stablity to Bank Reconciliation.
* Made many GUI  enhancements.
* Brought more stability to the initialsetup form.
* Brought more stability to edit organization module.
* Brought more stability to creation of user.
* Made change in the Toolbar: removed the show and hide ToolItem.
* Brought more stability to addition of new account.
* Added the content for all the help menu items.
* Made some more Bug fixes.

[19-Oct-2014 Release 1.0]
* GUI Changes
* Solved broken functionality of Balancesheets.
* Fixed crash bugs emerging when entering special characters in date field.
* Duplication of accounts is not allowed.
* Now editorg controller works efficiently.
* Crash bug fixed for editvoucher after drilldown.
* Fixed voucher inconsistency validations.
* Bank Reconciliation cannot be seen if there is no bank account.
* Solved bug where account creation was giving eror when account is selected that has a sub-group.
* Solved validations in cashflow.
* Brought stability to BalanceSheet.
* All the accounts having no sub-group will have no sub-group selcted
  by default at the time of account creation.
* Uniformity in mainshell.
* Many bug fixes and enhancements.

[8-Oct-2014 Release 1.0b2]
* Now toolbar now disappears (retracts) when any other button is clicked or
  other form is opened.
* Now Special characters cannot be entered in the date field of startup form.
* Added required validations for create user form.
* Added Bank Reconcilation Statement option in toolbar and also added
  text message for date field in ledgerrecon and updatebankrecon form.
* Added Validation changes in edid organization form.
* Added scrollbar to FindandEditVoucher Composite.
* Solved the issue of date validations in all reports.
* Removed the ok message after adding account through addaccount popup.
* Done date validations in startup form and added tooltip and solved the case problem of GNUKhata.
* Solved the bug where account creation was leading to software crash or was misbehaving.
* Fixed the opening balance bug for createaccountcomposite,createaccountform,find&editaccountcomposite.
* Negative balance can be entered while opening an account.
* Closing balance and grand total can now be seen in Bank reconciliation.
* Added ledger and reconciliation statement in Bank Reconciliation.
* Now the user cannot enter a blank URL in connect to url functionality.
* Bug fixes and enhancements.

[27-Sept-2014 Release 1.0b1]
*Added Date Validations in Bank Reconciliation.
*Major Fixes in search voucher.
*while adding voucher the save button is not visible unless credit and debit amounts tally.
*ToolBar will dynamically display "profit and loss" or "income and expenditure"
 depending on the type of your organization.
*Added edit organization form and it's validations.
*Brought stability in the add new projects module of preferences form.
*Solved the bug where account,after adding it from add account popup,
 was not appearing in the drop down of add voucher.
*Added validations and stability to initialsetup form.
*Solved the bug where delete organization would look like a software crash.
*Fixed a crash bug in SourcesOfFunds balance sheet.
*Solved bugs where cleared transactions were not displayed in Bank Reconciliation.
*Brought stability in change password module.
*Added date validations in reports.
*Fixed various bugs leading to software crash.
*Some layout changes and bug fixes.

[13-Sept-2014 Release 1.0a3]
* Fixed the broken search voucher interface,now searching works fine with validations
* Made layout changes in Bank reconciliation.
* Made the view cleared and uncleared transaction more usable,
  we just have the view buttion without checkbox for uncleared transactions.
* Fixed the bug where to date was excepted lesser than from date for organization.
* Mixed the search voucher validation for dates
* Made some alignment changes in bank reconciliation
* Many bug fixes(#73,#74,#75,#76,#77,#78,#79,#80,#81,#82,#42,#39,

[5-Sept-2014 Release 1.0a2]
* Stabilized Bank Recon functionality.
* Updated the addnewVoucher functionality, User is not allowed to save the voucher unless and until the credit and debit amounts tally.
* Bug fixes.

[23-July-2014 Release 1.0a1]
* Now deskapp jar file can be built outside eclipse using ant.
* Thanks to Ark Arjun, we have an icon for gnukhata.
* Generated Spreadsheets are now properly formatted.
* Initial setup now displays a progressbar.
* Added Close Books and Rollover functionality.
* Delete Organization feature added.
* View dual ledger functionality added.
* Dynamic toolbar is visible when F1 is pressed.
* New users can be created and passwords can be changed now.
* List of accounts can now be viewed.
* Lots of bug fixes and cosmetic changes.

[10-April-2014 Release 0.9]
* Initial release.