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Edit Product / Service

Gauri requested to merge GauriShewalkar/gkwebapp:addproduct into devel

Add Product:- 1)Wording changed to When on Tax Rate or Tax Name,Press 'Esc' key to shift focus to Opening Stock and from Opening Stock to 'Save' button. 2) * sign added to HSN Code. 3) Validation added to HSN Code that there can not be zero in HSN No.

Edit Product:- 1)Wording changed to When on Tax Rate or Tax Name,Press 'Esc' key to shift focus to Opening Stock and from Opening Stock to 'Save' button. 2) label changed to "New Name of the Product". 3) Validation added to New HSN No. that there can not be zero in HSN No.

Product :- 1) In Opening Stock : After Pressing escape from Opening Stock the focus is shifted to Save button.


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