Create about page, add introduction on home page and post announcement blog post on fsfi and fsci sites
create text for website and announcement blog post @praveen Sruthi Mujeeb -
publish on camp website @avron
On home page:
What is Free Software Camp? Free Software Camp is a beginner mentorship programme for bringing more people to Free Software with strong focus on philosophy. We connect participants of the camp with experienced Free Software community members to work on some tasks together - this could be either technical or non technical.
On about page:
Technical tasks include (but not limited to)
System administration,
UI/UX Development
Cyber Forensics
Non technical tasks include (but not limited to):
Translation and Localization
event organizing
Who can be mentors? Are you an experienced Free Software contributor? Does mentoring new people to contribute to Free Software excite you? Do you have time to invest in mentoring for the next 3 months? Come join us! [Mentor registration link]
Who can participate? Do you have some time to contribute back to the society? Do you want to learn about Free Software? Do you want to use and contribute to Free Software? Come join us! [Mentee registration link]
Do you want to contribute in some other way? [Contact us! link]
Tools and platforms used We use Big Blue Button (Free Software video conferencing platform) for presentation. We use etherpad/cryptpad for collaborative note taking/questions. We use Matrix rooms for interactive text messaging. Each participating project will have their own project communication platforms. Here is a list of ideas you can choose from [link to ideas list]. You may also suggest your own ideas. If we don't have enough mentors to assign to every one who apply, you can still try to complete it on your own with help of the community.